PREP TIME: 45min
400g plain digestive biscuits
140g butter, melted
60ml thickened cream
500g cream cheese
½ cup caster sugar
2tbsp gelatine
1/2 cup lemon juice
500g blueberries
Step 1: Grease a 24cm springform pan.
Step 2: Place biscuits in a food processor and process into a fine crumb.
Step 3: Place biscuit crumb and melted butter into a large mixing bowl. Stir together to combine.
Step 4: Press biscuit mixture into the bottom of the cake pan to form a biscuit base.
Step 5: Chill base in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Step 6: In a large mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, sugar and lemon juice.
Step 7: Slowly add cream whilst continuing to beat.
Step 8: Dissolve gelatine in water and gradually add to cake mixture. Mix all ingredients together well.
Step 9: Pour cake mixture into the cake pan on top of the biscuit base.
Step 10: Refrigerate cheesecake for 3 hours or until sets.
Step 11: Top with blueberries and continue to refrigerate until ready to serve.